blog-tember day 16 // me vs. me

realmevs[^not me]

Wednesday, Sept. 16: The real you vs. the online you. Are they the same or different?

I think this is, sometimes, an uncomfortable thing to talk about because it can make us feel fake or insincere. Of course there are going to be differences between the “you” on the internet and the entirety of you as a living, breathing human. Of course there are going to be people out there who overshare or undershare by your standards. The important thing is to find that line for you and not worry so much about everyone else.

It’s important to me that I present myself both positively and truthfully. I don’t want to lie to people or consciously portray myself as someone I’m not. But that doesn’t mean I have to share everything because not everything needs to be shared.

I like to keep what and how I share both modest and positive. I want to avoid using the internet as a platform for grumbling and complaining. Yes, life can be a bummer and challenging at times and I might share that, but I don’t want to zero in and dwell on those things. There are more than enough negative voices out there, stay positive!

Ok, enough of that.
I can be very different depending on the situation. For example, in a meeting that I’m leading I’m much more likely to talk and share ideas than if I’m in a group of people I’ve just met. I tend to process through writing [and talking things out, either with myself or a friend/Matthew] so there are some things I’d be more likely to say/share online simply because I had the time to sit down and process by writing it out. I’m very weird and crazy with just my husband or family but I tend to dial that back in large groups and online.

I share things like how many stitches I cast on and what size needles I used for a blanket on the blog, but I wouldn’t just throw all that out there during an in-person conversation [unless the person asked or was obsessed with knitting or something].

I’m actually pretty reserved and don’t share my deepest thoughts, fears, and secrets with anyone easily and I certainly wouldn’t go posting them on the internet without a second thought. However, I do value and love openness and honesty and I’m learning how to embrace that when it means opening up to others

001IMG_0670IMG_0646Processed with VSCOcam with b5 presetProcessed with VSCOcam with x1 presetmy spectrum of “trying”: not at all, cute pose & hide half of face, outfit upgrade, filters, full blast trying: makeup + pose with cute guy + filter

In real life I’m kind of a mess, haha. My hair is usually in a bun and I have nothing that even resembles a daily makeup routine. At this point in my life my uniform is yoga pants and a t-shirt. If I’m going out/to the store I will try to put myself together and I full on try for church, social functions, and dates with the hubs. Once/if I get a “normal” job, I’m sure my wardrobe and daily uniform will benefit from the change ;).

Other than that, I’m still the same person. I’m only sharing part of myself online so there is no way for the online me and the “real” me to be the same. What I share is real, but it’s merely a glimpse into my real, everyday life.

Brave Love Blogday 15: in my bag
day 14: five books
day 13: current season
day 12: currently…
day 11: friday night
day 10: bucket list
day 9: dear me,
day 8: favorite season
day 7: blog name
day 6: style
day 5: itunes shuffle
day 4: passions
day 3: mood board
day 2: ideal day
day 1: introductions

blog-tember day 16 // me vs. me

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