blog-tember day 27 // on my wish list

Sunday, Sept. 27: What’s on your wish list? Be sure to include links so we can shop too 😉

Matthew and I are both currently sick, so number one on our wish list would be another cup of hot tea, some more tissues, and a good long nap. We’ve been taking it easy and I’m doubly thankful for the weekend.

Without getting too carried away, these are some things on my wish list:

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2016 Stendig Calendar – I am in love with this calendar. I wanted to get one last year for 2015 but they all sold out before I could order one. They go super fast, so I’m hoping to be able to get a 2016 calendar before they’re gone!


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Address Book by Emily Ley – Ever since getting married whenever I’m addressing a card or letter I find myself searching through my files and emails for a copy of our wedding guest list + addresses. Having a designated address book would be so helpful and this one is simple + cute!



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Black Walnut Lap Loom
– This sweet loom is so gorgeous. I would love to try weaving and a lap loom seems like a good place to start. I tried to make one myself out of a board, but it was problematic to say the least. I’m not sure I need to start up another crafting project right now, though ;).


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Instax/Instant Camera
– I have always wanted a Polaroid instant camera, but any instant camera would do! The Instax is so cute and the film is more affordable than classic Polaroids now. Plus, the little photos would be so much fun to scrapbook with!



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Calligraphy Starter Kit by Laura Hooper Calligraphy – Calligraphy is something I’ve always wanted to learn and this kit is beautiful. Again, not sure I need another craft project & line of supplies at the time. But, oh, wouldn’t it be fun!




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Aquash Brush Set – I’ve heard rave reviews of these little guys and watercolor is so fun! I’m not that great at it, but with these brushes and a few YouTube videos I’m sure I could figure it out 😉

Have you seen Amy Tan’s gorgeous watercolor brush script printables?



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Cloud Toilet Paper Holder – This is just too much fun! I also love the idea of freeing up some storage space for other things by storing our extra rolls on this clever holder that doubles as art!



day 26: reading listBrave Love Blog
day 25: three songs
day 24: favorite blog[ger]s
day 23: guest post!
day 22: getting creative
day 21: favorite quote[s]
day 20: guilty pleasures
day 19: best day
day 18: vlog!
day 17: current obsession
day 16: me vs. me
day 15: in my bag
day 14: five books
day 13: current season
day 12: currently…
day 11: friday night
day 10: bucket list
day 9: dear me,
day 8: favorite season
day 7: blog name
day 6: style
day 5: itunes shuffle
day 4: passions
day 3: mood board
day 2: ideal day
day 1: introductions

blog-tember day 27 // on my wish list

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